Saturday 6 July 2013

How to install a metal roof

Your friend has said that the installation of metal roofing totally different form conventional roofing and your regular roofer does not know how to install a metal roof. The fact is that you tell the story of a man who had conventional roofing contractor to install a metal roof for someone who knows him and it was a disaster. Roofing contractor to do the installation did not know what he was doing and made an incorrect installation.

As a result, the roof was leaking badly and had a new experienced metal roofer to come to work, to undo the damage and re-install the system from scratch. Your friend explained to you that the people who claim that metal roofing is easier to install than a conventional roof, never installed one, and the use of language as a frame of reference, Their misguided belief confuse other people and cost the industry a lot of money to the poor, and sometimes frankly wrong quality roofing installation.

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Installation of metal roofing

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